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Sash fitting station type FMS

✛ perfect sash fitting station for fast attachment of fittings
✛ with screw feeding

Type-FMS: Facilitates and economizes the mounting of metal fittings and corner drives. Individual table adjustment: Height adjustment from 890mm to 1000mm. The pneumatic table inclination from 0°-10° offers an ergonomic way of working. Inclusive automatic screw feed unit FMS2430-MF-3. Fast turning and safe counterhold of sash through swing bolts. Protection of profile by slide ledges, brush profile or felt surfaces. (Please indicate when ordering)

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Art.-No Type Description
2215 FMS2430 Sash Fitting Station FMS-2430. Table size 3.000 x 1.500 x 900 mm, Pneumatic tilting 0-10°, Automatic Screw feeding, depth & auto turn off of screw driver, pneumatic height adjustment 11 Pendle rolls for position the sashes pneumatic clamping system. Contact surface see below.
2440 FMS2430G Table covered with sliding-profile
2441 FMS2430B Table covered with brush-profile
2442 FMS2430F Table covered with felt-profile
2235 FMS2430AM Bed stop system, handle centered
7313 FMS2430-SL635 Laser for screw-driver unit
2233 FMS2430EB Corner hinge drill unit for sash fitting station incl. bed stop system right sided with additional clamp cylinder
6053 FMS2430EB-2S-BM Corner hinge drill unit for sash fitting station, incl. 2-Spindle head, manual feed, adjustable range min. 14mm / max. 64mm, drill power max. 6mm incl. bed stop system right sided with additional clamp cylinder
5856 FMS2430EB-2S-BA Corner hinge drill unit for sash fitting station, incl. 2-Spindle head, automatic feed, adjustable range min. 14mm / max. 64mm, drill power max. 6mm incl. bed stop system right sided with additional clamp cylinder
5855 BK-2S-V14-64/SZ Collet for double-head drill unit, clamping range 1,0 – 6,3mm, steps 0,1mm
5889 BL/SS-3M Air piston with spiral tube 3,0m
2748 FMS2430GLSH Fitting Punch with 90° tool straight cut
2234 FMS2430RRSHGL Punching unit for Roto/Siegenia/Winkhaus with slot punching
3400 FMS2430BSD-WSH-GL3 Punching Tool WINKHAUS AUTO PILOT Fitting with counter sink-hole

Your contact person
Patrick Rygiel
Tel: (+49) 0 72 32 / 30 18-10
Mobil: (+49) 0 171 / 68 28 933
Product request

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